Ottawa’s 15th Annual Real Estate Forum
The 15th annual Ottawa Real Estate Forum took place on October 6th with over 450 attendees. The Hampton Inn and Conference Centre was packed with real estate developers, brokers, executives and asset managers all discussing what is next on the agenda for the Ottawa-Gatineau market.
Below are some highlights on what was examined and talked about:
- Investors are returning to Ottawa, although there is currently “a gap” between what is on the market and what they want to purchasePredictions came in about real estate activity “picking up” anywhere from November 2009 to March 2010
- Alta Vista councillor Peter Hume made some mildly received suggestions regarding improving the relationship between the industry and city hall
- Air quality and energy efficiency were discussed as items of importance
- Ottawa-Gatineau’s economy is forecasted to grow 3.1 percent in 2010
- The Conference Board predicted that the Ottawa-Gatineau GDP in 2009 went down less than 0.5 percent
For more information on this meeting, or to get information on Real Estate Forums in other cities, visit the Real Estate Forum website.
To get in touch with an Ottawa-area realtor, contact Chris Coveny at OttawaMove.com.